Ah, ludnica/ Ah, Madhouse, stories, 1986; Tjeskoba šutnje/ The Anxiety of Silence, stories, 1990; O mamama sve najbolje/ All the best about Mums, children's novel, 1990; Nemam vremena/ I don't Have Time, children's stories, 1994; Mrvice iz dnevnog boravka/Crumbs from the Living-room, children's novel,1995; E, baš mi nije žao/ And I Don't Care!, children's stories,1998; Vidiš da se moram zabavljati/ I Must Have Fun, don't You See?, picture-book, 1999; Znatiželjna koka/ A Curious Chicken, picture-book, 2000; Zaljubljeni medo/ A Bear in Love, picture-book, 2000; Ženske pjesme/Women's Poetry, poetry, 2000; Zafrkancije, zezancije, smijancije i ludancije/ Teasing, Kidding, Laughing, Fooling, children's stories, 2001; Sasvim sam popubertetio/ Puberty Madness, children's novel, 2002; Faktor uspjeha/ The Success Factor, stories, 2002; Različitosti, od vrijeđanja do umorstva/ Diversity, from Insult to Murder, story in Leti, Marta, leti/ Fly, Marta, Fly, 2003, Znala sam da moram izabrati drugačiji život/ I Knew I had to Choose a Different Life, poetry, 2003; Nipetnišest/ Nothing More or Less, book of interviews with children, co-authorship with Višnja Biti, 2003; Jupi, stigao je sveti Nikola/ Hurray! St. Nicholas Has Arrived, picture-book, 2003; Princeza/ The Princess, picture-book, 2004; Hoću i ja/ Me, too!, children's stories, 2004; Djed Mraz darove nosi/ Santa Claus Brings Presents, picture-book, 2005; Priča o vučiću Grgi/ A Story about Grga the Little Wolf, picture-book, 2005; Stigao je brat/ My Baby Brother Has Arrived, picture-book, 2006; Jesam li se zaljubila?/ Have I Fallen in Love?, children's novel, 2006; Ljubavi različite, pjesme razne/ Different Loves, Various Poems, poetry, 2006; Što mi se to događa?/ What Is Happening To Me?, children's novel2007., Zar baš moram u školu? /Do I Really Have To Go To School?, children's stories, 2008., Što cure govore? Što dečki govore?, / What Girls Say, What Boys Say?, children's stories , 2008., Fora je biti faca, zar ne?/ Cool To Be Someone, Eh? , children's novel, 2009. Želim biti posebnaaaaa!/ I Want To Be Special!, children's novel, 2010., Mala torba, velika sloboda/ Small Bag, Great Fredoom, stories, 2011., Hej, želim ti nešto ispričati!/ Hey, I Want To Tell You Something!, children's stories, 2011. Maša i gosti/ Maša and the Guests. children's story, 2011. Maša i nova učenica/ Maša and the New Pupil children's story, 2011. Ideš mi na živce! /You Get On My Nerves!, children's novel, 2011. Maša i životinje/ Maša and the Animals, children's story, 2012., Maša i Božić/ Maša and Christmas, children's story, 2012., Vidimo se na fejsu! /See you on Facebook!, children's novel, 2012., Maša i ljeto/ Maša and Summer, children's story, 2013., Baš sam hepi!/ I'm So Happy! children's stories, 2013., Maša i muzej/ Maša and the Museum, children's story, 2014., Maša i klaun/ Maša and the Clown, children's story, 2014. Kiki i ostali /Kiki and Others, comic book, 2014., Sitnice/ The Litlle Things, poetry 2014., Maša i bajke/Maša and the Fairy Tales, children's story, 2015., Maša i putovanje/Maša and the Travel, children's story, 2015., I što sad? / And Now What?, children's novel, 2015., Maša i kazalište/ Maša and the Theather, children's story, 2016., Pošalji mi poruku! /Text Me!, children's novel, Nemoderni Perica/The Old-Fashioned Pete, children's story, Maša i sport/Maša and Sport,children's story, 2016., Čudesni izvori/The Miraculous Sources, poems, 2016., Maša i učiteljica/ Maša and the Teacher, children's story, Sabrane pjesme/ The Collected Poems, poems 2017., Maša i selo/Maša and the Village, children's story, 2017., Sve je u redu/Everything is OK!, children's stories, 2017, Maša i maškare/ Maša and the Carnival, children's story, 2018, Sve što sam naučila/ All I've learned, thougts, 2018, Maša i rođendan / Maša and the Birthday, children's story, 2018., Maša i zoološki vrt / Maša and Zoo, children's story, 2019, Maša i film / Maša and Film, children's story, 2019, Miš Pero i mačka Liza / Mouse Pero and Cat Lisa, children's story, 2019. Mama, nemoj me gnjaviti! / Mom, don't bother me!, children's novel, 2019., Maša i zima / Maša and Winter, children's story, 2021., Goodbye Romance!, stories, 2021., Luka voli izmišljati / Luka Loves Making Stuff Up, picture - book, 2021., Priče smijalice / Laughing Stories, children's stories, 2021., Maša i izlet / Maša and Excursion, children's story, 2021., Nema problema / No Problem, children's novel, 2021., Maša i nova prijateljica / Maša and the New Friend, children's story, 2022., Hoću biti velik / I want to be Big, picture - book, 2022., Moj mačak Glupko / My Cat Glupko, picture - book, 2022., Volim, volim / I Love, I Love, picture - book, 2022., Ah svašta! / Ah, So Many Things!, children's story, 2023, Maša i mobitel / Maša and The Phone, children's story, 2023, Moja sestrica Lina / My Little Sister Lina, picture-book, 2023, Gdje su moje igračke? / Where Are My Toys?, picture-book, 2024., Najbolje prijateljice / Best Friends, picture-book, 2024, Tko je razbio prozor? / Who Broke the Window, picture-books, 2024, Tko ima zlatne cipelice? /Who Has Golden Shoes?, picture-books, 2024, Sve pet! / Give Me Five!, children's novel, 2024, Šetnje, zaborav /Saunters, oblivion, autobiography notes, 2024,